My personal training career began 11 years ago, shortly after I graduated with my Kinesiology degree. In that time, I have studied and obtained credentials in resistance training, yoga, Pilates, functional neurology, and massage therapy. My current approach centers around resistance training, manual therapy (drawing heavily upon Active Release Technique), and functional neurology (using primarily Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex or P-DTR). I use functional neurology and manual therapy to assess the nervous system and tissue quality of my clients. This information is then combined with advanced movement, strength, and joint mobility assessments. With this data I can best decide how I can serve my clients. Usually I have the tools to immediately help clients towards their goals, and when I do not I will dutifully refer out to the best practitioner available. Client success is more important than my paycheck.
I am fortunate to have access to the best educational materials in the world for my field. However, the most valuable lessons I have learned about the human body, movement, and healing are from a severe disc injury I sustained in 2006. The pain was chronic and at times crippling - at one point requiring several days of hospitalization. The healing process took the combined effort dozens of practitioners. I invested thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours researching and seeking treatment. If this taught me anything, I have learned patience and that - most of the time - there is no “magic bullet” cure. Your body is an integrated system of systems. Healing takes compassion, the right tools at the right times, and taking personal responsibility in your health and recovery.
I am looking for clients that are ready to take an active role in bringing their bodies to their next level of performance. My experience with debilitating back pain and extensive education has made post-rehabilitation one of my primary specialities. I also love to work with clients motivated to get bigger, leaner and stronger - after all lifting heavy stuff is fun!
B.S. Kinesiology, Highest Honors, University of Illinois
M.A. Anthropology, emph. Cultural/Visual, SFSU
NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Certified Massage Therapist - CAMTC #74265
P-DTR (Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex) – Basic, Intermediate & Advanced - Mentor: Dr. Jose Palomar
KILO Strength Society - Hypertrophy Camp, Advanced Strategies to Program Design Camp - Mentor: Stephane Cazeault
Active Release Technique - Spine & Lower Extremity Certified - Mentor: Pavel Chmigelski
Body Composition, Hypertrophy & Fat Loss Programs
Clinical Massage Therapist & A.R.T. Provider
Postural Assessment & Corrective Exercise Prescription
Post-Rehabilitation & Injury Prevention
Neurological Testing & Treatment via P-DTR
NASM - Certified Personal Trainer (2007)
Pilates Academy International – Reformer I & II (2010)
Fletcher Pilates – Fletcher Pilates Matwork Provider (2010)
TRX RIP Trainer Certified (2010)
Yoga Instructor - 200 RYT Yoga Vidya, India (2011)
C.H.E.K. Institute – Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2 (2012)
C.H.E.K. Institute – Exercise Coach (2012)
Selective Functional Movement Assessment Level 1 & 2 (2016-2018)
NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (2016)
NeuroKinetic Therapy Levels 1, 2 & 3 (2015-2017)
DNS Exercise I & II (2016-2017)
Anatomy In Motion: Finding Centre (2017)
Gary Gray 3D Maps (2017)